Welcoming a new baby into your family is HARD. So much change. So much worry. So little sleep.

Feeling alone with your worries is the worst. And while I might also be a bit of worrier, I am also an expert problem solver, especially when it comes to infant and toddler development. I’m here to LISTEN, answer your questions, and help you come up with a plan to get your baby on the right track.

Hi there, I’m Dr. Brenda. I have been lucky enough to make a career out of helping babies move and feel better, while supporting their families along the way. I have been a physical therapist for over 15 years, and recently became a certified breastfeeding specialist.

In 2023, I took a big leap, and opened Playful Progress LLC so I could have control over my practice, using the best treatment strategies to achieve your child’s important goals. No more limitations on where, how often, or how I can work with your child. Playful Progress has been the answer to an obvious need in southern NH: direct access to private, personalized, pediatric physical therapy for your infant or toddler in the comfort of your home.

How Playful Progress Can Help

  • Lactation-Informed Physical Therapy Services

  • Tongue & Lip Tie Therapy (before and after release procedures)

  • Torticollis Treatment

  • Head Shape Correction

  • Milestone support

  • Community-based motor playgroups

Dr. Brenda Sacino, PT DPT CBS

Doctor of Physical Therapy and Certified Breastfeeding Specialist

Mother to two young girls, 11 & 13

Married to an orthopedic PT

Lives in Bedford, New Hampshire

Loves good cheese and chocolate

Shade Lover

Enneagram Six: “The Loyalist”

Lake over beach anyday

Drink of choice: margarita

Best nickname: Frenda

Runner and hiker

Formal Education

Doctor of Physical Therapy

Franklin Pierce University

Concord, New Hampshire

B.S. in Business Administration

University of New Hampshire

Durham, New Hampshire

Advanced Training & Memberships

Lactation Resources

Certified Breastfeeding Specialist April 2024

Milk Matters Academy

Global Tongue Tie Scholars Program Graduate (3 day mentorship)

KinActive Kids

Building Blocks Clinician Fall 2021

Lactation OT Courses:

Supporting Oral Motor Skills in Infants

Bodywork for Better Breastfeeding

The PT’s Role in Breastfeeding

Talk Tools Courses:

Functional Assessment and Remediation of Tethered Oral Tissues

Baby Begin Course

The Therapist’s Role in Treating Plagiocephaly without a Helmet

International Consortium of Ankylofrenula Professionals

Member since 2023

Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy

Member since 2008